Driving, in general, is a task that requires good judgment and quick response time. It is challenging by itself when you have natural light but once the sun sets, there are several other dangers to beware of. Night-time driving requires the driver to be alert and aware so that they can make quick decisions for the safety of the passengers and other drivers on the road.
When you have light it is easier to pick up on signs of upcoming danger. But, with night-time driving, your vision is limited putting that much more pressure on your other senses to work overtime.
Ensure Your Mirrors are Thoroughly Cleaned:
Dirty mirrors are more than unsightly, they're unsafe during night-time driving. Smudge marks, dirt, or anything else present on your internal and external mirrors will prevent you from having a clear view. Additionally, it is distracting. One of the main challenges with night-time driving is being able to clearly identify objects.
Worse still, the glare of car headlights around and behind you may amplify on dirty mirrors, making it difficult to understand their position on the road and the speed at which they are moving. Keeping your mirrors clean will sort out that problem.
Adjust the Lighting Inside Your Car:
Light is important for vision, however, during night-time driving, you cannot have all the car's interior lights on to their full capacity as this will just make the darkness outside seem all the more thick. In order to be able to have the best view of whatever is on the other side of your car's screen, you need to keep the lights within the car to a dim setting and this includes your dashboard settings. Not only will this help you get a better idea of the surroundings you are driving by in the dead of the night, but it will also ensure you don't see things that will distract you.
Double-check Whether You have an Unobstructed View:

The position of your mirrors and ensuring nothing is blocking your rear screen is absolutely important for the driver to have a clear view of the road. That being said, it is equally important that the windscreen, mirrors, and rear screen do not have any chips, cracks, or scratches.
Chips, cracks, and scratches on the windscreen can negatively affect the driver's line of sight, the structural integrity of your car and create hazardous situations in the day.
And if you do take your car out for a night-time drive in that condition, these damages will distract you and also prevent you from having a clear vision. Before you say yes to night-time driving or even day driving for that matter, ensure you get your windscreen checked by a licensed professional.
Caution: Wildlife:
If you live in the countryside or will be taking a route that potentially is a home to wildlife, you will need to consider the possibility of them bolting in front of your speeding vehicle. When driving, do keep this in mind and drive at an appropriate speed while looking out for wildlife.
Schedule a Doctor's Visit to Check Your Vision:
In several countries, getting an eye check-up done is a pre-requisite for getting your driving license. This is to ensure that your vision is strong enough to handle the challenges of the day and night-time driving. If you feel your eyesight isn't as good as it used to be because of ageing perhaps schedule an appointment with a doctor for an eye check-up. If need be, he could even provide you with night-time vision glasses or whatever you need for a comfortable drive.
Take a Defensive Driving Course if need be:
Not many car-owners are aware but you can take a defensive driving course to upgrade your driving skills. This helps quicken your response time to any road challenge and untoward situations that could crop up. Good reflex skills equal better security and that is something you will want for you and your family.
Drive Slow:
Rash driving has never done anybody good. Yes, it may get you to your destination in a shorter time or be useful in case of an emergency but it is always risky. A risk when you have daylight on your side. With night-time driving that risk is amplified on a whole new level. Speeding will take away your focus from all the other precautionary measures you need to take and also won't allow you to respond quickly/in time to any threat you encounter.
Keep the Weather Conditions in Mind:

Always do a weather check before you decide to proceed with night-time driving. Fog, hail, rain, snow have been known to cause several accidents like not being able to see clearly, skidding, etc.
In the night, you might not even be able to see any trees, broken billboards, other vehicles that could be an accident cause by weather elements. If you know a storm of any kind is headed your way, post-pone your night-time driving schedule.
Don't Drive at a Stretch:
Doing anything without a break is never a good idea. In the case of night-time driving, it is both, a bad and unsafe idea. You're bound to feel sleepy even if you sleep during the day. And if your co-passengers drift off to sleep not only will you be tempted to do the same but the sudden quietness might also cause you to become less alert.
Whether you're traveling alone or with a group ensure you stop by the side and stretch. Alternatively, you could even swap with another driver for a while or halt at the side of the road for a quick nap. Don't hesitate to take breaks as even a short break from the wheel will rejuvenate you.
Stay Alert and Keep Distraction at Bay:
Most importantly remember to try and stay alert. Keep watch of the signs, the route you're taking, etc. If anyone in the car seems to be saying or doing something that is distracting, ensure you communicate it to them. After all, all your lives depend on it.
If you have to resort to night-time driving for personal reasons, you might run the usual safety checks - check for sharp turns and steep hills, potholes or sections under construction, etc. However, those major safety checks won't compensate for the night-time driving tips mentioned above. They may seem small but can make a huge impact on your driving experience and of course ensure protection.